a r s      e u k a r y o t e

we are located in Rautjärvi, South Karelia at  »
Viimolantie 83, 56610 Rautjärvi


t h e       a s s o c i a t i o n

Ars Eukaryote Association, founded in 2021, is a group of artists, whose goal is to support and promote environmental art, site-specific works and experiments as well as research
and co-learning on ecofeminism and ecology.

R E S E N T   P O S T S

20/9/2021    Environmental art workshops

One of the key objectives of our land art and environmental art workshops for us is to create a new connection between the environment and the artistic experience. The creative processes can take part in the discussion on ecology, about humans and the environment – considering both aesthetic and ethical aspects that come to play.

What defines land and environmental art is that they are created under natures conditions in discussion with its phenomenas, change and corruption. Therefore the works of art are rarely fully permanent but always somehow temporary and in change. Process works may only exist a small while, expressing also evidently the current place, time and the surrounding conditions.

The attention of the work often shifts and expands in the various changes and the boundaries of an artwork integrates in its surroundings and the phenomenas happening in it. The work kind of continues in its local landscape.

In our workshops we discover these charactaristics of land and environmental art and consider these aspects by the materials and concepts of works.

Picture: Our Garden fellow 2021 Isa Kiviaho was working at Ars Eukaryote ry  as part of her Media Arts studies in TAMK. In addition to assisting our residency artist and managing administrating assignments she got to demo our environmental arts workshops in our amazing immediate surroundings for the artists of NEO - Omapolku Ateljee from Setlementti Tampere.

The workshops included clay graffiti, earth mandala and chalk drawing in nature.

If you are interested in having a workshop for your community or group we are happy to arrange one for you. 

Contact us >>   info@ars-eukaryote.org

Toûa Heinonen

Our staff + board

coordinator + curator

T o û a     H e i n o n e n 

chair + director

+358 456768654


residency manager

A l e k s i     L a a k s o

vice chair

copyright © ars eukaryote ry

VAT number FI3202512-2

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